La Boutique Fantasque
We are delighted to announce that NJCYB’s spring performance will be La Boutique Fantasque! NJCYB is excited to present this full length ballet for the first time at Sitnik Theater at Centenary University on June 8th, 2025.
A world famous toymaker created exquisite dancing dolls for her toyshop. As she shows off her creations to potential patrons, the dolls perform a series of dances, all lovely, with the finest being a pair of can-can dolls. The can-can dolls are so enchanting and spirited that an American family immediately purchases the male doll and a Russian family immediately purchases the female doll. The deals are made and paid for, the dolls are placed in a box, and collection is arranged for the following day.
When the toymaker goes home for the night, the dolls magically come to life and start dancing. They are upset that the two can-can dolls, who are lovers, are going to be separated and hatch a plan to hide them before the customers return.
When the shop opens the next day and the customers come to pick up their dolls, they and the toymaker discover that the can-can dolls are no longer there. The customers blame the toymaker and attack her. The dolls come to the toymaker’s rescue and attack the customers. The customers are driven out and the dolls join the toymaker in joyful celebration.
Audition Information
Date: Saturday, March 1
Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Location: North Jersey School of Dance Arts, 400D Valentine St, Hackettstown, NJ 07840
Dancers ages 5 and up are able to audition.
Registration for the audition is REQUIRED.
To register click HERE
Dancers must register for the audition by 5pm on Friday, February 28th.
Only registered dancers will receive the audition schedule by the evening of Friday, February 28th.